A lunar eclipse will fall on July 4/5. However, since this will be a penumbral lunar eclipse it will be hard to see as the Moon will only be a bit fainter. This is the third lunar eclipse of 2020 and it will be a penumbral lunar eclipse. In a penumbral lunar eclipse, only the more diffused outer shadow of Earth – the penumbra – falls on the moon’s face. As compared to a total or partial eclipse, a penumbral lunar eclipse is subtle and difficult to observe. It will be visible only from some parts of the world. this lunar eclipse of July 4-5 will not be visible in India as the Moon will be below the horizon. However, people in much of North America, South America, South/West Europe, much of Africa, Indian Ocean, Pacific, Antarctica, and Atlantic will be able to witness it.
Due to non-visibility in India -it has no religious or ritual value. But the eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon and does afflicts the luminaries, so it exerts some definite and lasting impact. Present eclipse is in a continuance of 2 eclipses of June 6 and June 21.it falls in Gemini – Sagittarius axis. At the time of eclipse Moon will be transiting through Sagittarius sign and Purvashadha Nakshatra. Its effect will be felt on Sagittarius, Gemini, and Taurus signs. So, it will affect communication, foreign trade, relation with neighbor countries, judiciary, media and art and culture field. You may witness some bad developments in these areas in coming three months. Some natural calamity- earthquake, heavy rain, floods, border disputes, accidents is also expected.
On the individual level, people born in Sagittarius, Gemini, and Taurus sign (Moon sign or Lagna) will face some negative development in family and financial matters. For Aquarius, Cancer, and Libra effect of the eclipse is relatively good. For the rest of the Sign effect of the eclipse is so-so. Please note that eclipse is always an affliction to luminaries – so some or other bad results will be witnessed by each and every individual- it is only the degree that varies.
The more specific results for each sign are the same as posted for the solar eclipse of June.