Transit Tracker

Transit Tracker – Jupiter in Aquarius

A year of reform after a year of chaos!

Sign Transits

Jupiter enters AquariusApril 6th, 2021
Jupiter goes RetrogradeJune 20th, 2021
Jupiter enters Capricorn in RetrogressionSeptember 14th, 2021
Jupiter comes out of Retrogression in CapricornOctober 18th, 2021
Jupiter exits Capricorn to enter AquariusNovember 21st, 2021
Jupiter exits AquariusApril 13th, 2022
Jupiter’s transit state and sign

Nakshatra Movement

Dhanishtha5th March 2021
Satabhisha22nd May 2021
Dhanishtha20th July 2021
Satabhisha2nd January 2022
Purva Bhadrapada2nd March 2022
Uttara Bhadrapada28th April 2022
Nakshatra Transits

Navamsha Timeline

AquariusLibraApril 6th, 2021April 24th, 2021
AquariusScorpioApril 25th, 2021May 21st, 2021
AquariusSagittariusMay 22nd, 2021July 20th, 2021
AquariusScorpioJuly 21st, 2021August 17th, 2021
AquariusLibraAugust 18th, 2021September 13th, 2021
CapricornVirgoSeptember 14th, 2021November 20th, 2021
AquariusLibraNovember 21st, 2021December 14th, 2021
AquariusScorpioDecember 15th, 2021January 1st, 2022
AquariusSagittariusJanuary 2nd, 2022January 17th, 2022
AquariusCapricornJanuary 18th, 2022February 1st, 2022
AquariusAquariusFebruary 2nd, 2022February 15th, 2022
AquariusPiscesFebruary 16th, 2022March 1st, 2022
AquariusAriesMarch 2nd, 2022March 15th, 2022
AquariusTaurusMarch 16th, 2022March 29th, 2022
AquariusGeminiMarch 30th, 2022April 13th, 2022
Jupiter’s Navamsha movement through the upcoming year

Jupiter – What it signifies and why Jupiter’s transit matters?

As far as transits are concerned, Jupiter is one of the major planets whose transit needs to be tracked for various reasons. First, it is the planet whose transit defines the Samvatsar or the year. The Samvatsar is the definition of the year based on Jupiter’s transit position that determines how the entire year of Jupiter’s transit is going to be for the world and a particular person.

Second, Jupiter is the Jeeva Karaka that is responsible for all life and growth. As the ninth house lord, the planet of luck and auspiciousness it is responsible for all positivity and growth. It is the single transit that tells how good the year is going to be and how much of growth, happiness, prosperity and well-being can be expected at a global level. The affliction of Jupiter in transit causes unrest at the global level and protection through a transiting Jupiter is capable of wish fulfilment for individuals, countries and even for the world as a whole.

As such, Jupiter’s transit becomes the single most important factor to determine how the year is going to be. Although we have other important transits as well such as those of Rahu/Ketu and Saturn, it is still Jupiter’s transit that can pacify or protect against any malefic effects of other transits. Hence, it becomes more important from a practical perspective to assess how Jupiter’s movement through the year is going to be.

Aquarius – The sign and its Role

It is not just important to understand the planet we’re observing but also the sign concerned. The planet alone is not capable of delivering a result as it is the sign in question that gives a planet the tools to do anything in the first place. As Jupiter will be transiting through Aquarius, it is also important to understand the role that Aquarius has to play in astrology and its significations before we delve into the results of the transit.

Aquarius is the 11th sign of the Zodiac and the Mooltrikona of Saturn. As such, it is the sign of actions, rewards, stability and accomplishment. Being the natural 11th house it represents gains and accomplishment which are a result of efforts. Hence, any transit through Aquarius is always concerned about results or gains which arise out of efforts put into a situation.

Aquarius is a fixed sign and being the Mooltrikona of Saturn is has a certain rigidity to it that is not there in any of the other signs. It is for this reason it is represented by a clay water pot that has been baked to give a rigid structure. As such, results of the transit to Aquarius are slow and not abrupt. Any results of a transit through Aquarius materialize slowly and gradually. No result by a planet can be in haste if it is in Aquarius and whatever a planet delivers has to be permanent, long-standing and stable.

Another important quality of the sign is that it is represented by a water pot which has a distinct short mouth and a large hollow to store the water. This is a classic trait of the sign that on the front is appears differently than what it actually is. The sign possesses great depth, great insight and great potential but on the face of it looks quite simple and often lacks grandeur. Similarly, any transit through Aquarius delivers a massive impact and substantial results but in a manner that on the face of it it may not appear to be much. With an outward appearance of minimalism, transits through the sign often deliver molecular changes that over time grow into something so substantial that looking back it becomes difficult to comprehend how the transformation started in the first place.

Jupiter in Aquarius – Global Impact and how it affects the World

Global Impact

Jupiter is coming out of debilitation. As it is a significant positive change, the year is also going to be significantly better in comparison to the year 2020 and Jupiter’s stay in Capricorn. As Jupiter will be passing through a fixed sign, the changes will be slow and the actual impact of it will be visible much later. All transformations will be slow and long-lasting.

No major affliction exists on Jupiter during the current transit, as a result no major inflation is indicated in the economic front. Gold prices will be in check and people/public will abide by rules willingly. Which is to say, lawlessness will be significantly less this year across the world. However, as Jupiter will be passing through Dhanishtha for most part of the year, as a result militant activities, border disputes, explosions, accidents, incidents of theft and fire will arise. Particularly in western and southern areas (of the country and city). Those countries which follow strict religious lines will be in dispute or problem due to their extreme outlook. Extremist groups will suffer all across and in general the temperature conditions will be hotter than usual in summer and colder than usual in winters. As Aquarius is an air sign, the year will see more of air and fire hazards such as forest fire, tornados, dust storm which are caused by dry air and fire.

Gold and silver prices will be in check for most part of the year but significant fluctuations will be seen when Jupiter transits Satabhisha Nakshatra. Financial scarcity or recession like situation will persist this year as well.

On the political front, no sudden changes are indicated through the transit and not major upheavals are going to be seen. After all the turmoil of the year 2020 the current year will appear to be mostly calm and balanced.

Jupiter’s transit through Aquarius has a tendency to bring about industrial and labors strikes at a large scale where the weaker sections of the society come out to protest for their demands. Similar scenarios will persist this year as well on multiple occasions under multiple issues.

Indian Scenario

In the Indian context, Jupiter is passing through the 10th house of India’s independence chart, which is the strongest Kendra. At the same time, Saturn is also passing through the 9th house in its own sign. This year will be progressively good for India. GDP growth will rise and GDP to loan ratio will reduce. Banking sector particularly will perform better. Since Jupiter is passing through the 10th house, the position of the central government will be intact and the BJP government will maintain its position and reputation all through the year. In some areas, the central ruling party (BJP) will be able to gain power in elections.

Other considerations from the Global scenarios will be the same with India as well.

The detailed forecast of how the year is going to be will be featured in our next post next week.

Individual Transit Results – How to Read through the Post?

The transit results for each individual have been given in the blog in quite an exhaustive manner. As it is really not possible to make predictions on a mass level, we have developed a way of breaking down the prediction into individual chunks to make it more accurate.

In order to get the most accurate representation of the transit for you, please use the following method:

  1. First, read through the results based on your ascendant sign and moon sign. Read both the predictions based on your Ascendant as well as Moon sign.
  2. In the Moorti Nirnaya, determine basis your Ascendant and Moon sign about how good or bad the transit is for you. This essentially tells you how much of the good and bad results written for your sign apply to you. Its possible that we have written all bad for you basis the sign, but the Moorti Nirnaya tells all good. In that case, all bad results will be minimized.
  3. Check the navamsha transit results to see which time period is bad for you. The negative results mentioned will be more severe in those time periods.
  4. Based on your birth nakshatra (Nakshatra of Moon in your horoscope) read through the nakshatra results.
  5. Based on the current Mahadasha, read through the results of the dasha.

Once you have read through all the results, remember that results are not to be averaged. Two bad results and one positive result does not mean a 30% good and 70% bad. It means, all three of the results, both the bad ones and the one good one will be visible. Each of the results that apply to you, no matter how contradictory they seem from each other will both hold true for you and are both to be taken as the impact of the transit for you.

Individual Impact – Ascendant and Moon Sign


For Aries, the transit is positive and indicates all round gains along with increase in family and increase in family wealth. There would be marriage or birth, engagement in family work, renovation and consolidation of assets. There will be function in the family of siblings, increase in valor and childbirth for those who are trying for it. The period is good for speculations and creative activity along with artistic involvement. There will be increase in business, new ideas and initiatives will materialize along with possibility of marriage or beginning a new relationship.

Married life will improve with greater harmony and connect with your spouse, health and career will improve for you spouse along with good chemistry with them. There will be gain or recovery from old dues or issues along with excellent indications for career. There would be gain and accomplishment. Associates will be helpful, actions will be fruitful and rewarding.

At the same time, there would be trouble with mother’s health and some issues to father as well. Elders in family or gurus will give troubles or will create setbacks. There will be some disputes or problem around vehicles and property.

Travel will b expensive and expenses on charity and spirituality will increase. However, for all materialistic activities the transit is going to be very positive. It is a good period to take major initiatives around your career and to find your things that you will be focusing on for the next 5-7 years. This current transit for you is the beginning of a period of 5 years that marks strong growth and indicates success. Thus the period can be utilized for planning towards the same.


For Taurus, the period is going to be average to good. There will be improvement in career, increase in fame and better conditions at job along with travel for religious purposes. There will be marriage or some function in extended family and increase in family members by marriage or birth. There will be increase in savings and strong relationship with relatives along with coming in contact of some long lost people. The period indicates renovation of house, good relationship with mother and family happiness.

Health will remain good along with recovery from any health issues that you’ve been undergoing. The period will be very fruitful for new initiatives, looking for new employment, starting a new venture or taking any major decision with respect to career. The capacity to work hard would increase and the recognition for your work would also similarly increase. Employment conditions are indicated to improve and there will be domestic happiness throughout the transit along with acquisition of asset for family/business.

There will be good relationship with employers, better understanding with supervisors and good connect with colleagues as well as juniors. There would also be increase in fame. Apart from these, while all things will be positive, profit or monetary gain will not be as much as expected and there will be waste of money on elders and friends. Foreign connections will be rewarding but expenses will increase on them and in all fronts. There will be some health related obstacles in between and dispute with children or some differences with them will arise. This is a bad time for investment, gambling, speculations and any time of high-risk financial investment.

The period is not going to be very positive for siblings as they may face some obstacles, health issues or stagnation during this period. There would be tension with neighbors and obstruction to journey.


For Gemini, Jupiter’s transit will be from the 9th house and hence it is especially positive for your horoscope. The transit has positive signification of good luck, wealth, support in initiatives, father and for all types of religious deeds. There would be religious ceremonies or cultural celebrations in the family such as marriage, birth etc. Observing religious activities would improve the luck factor for you this year and being closer to elders, teachers, gurus etc. is going to be beneficial.

The year is going to bring about short journey, growth for siblings and positive or happy news from them. There will be good health and well being for children, increase in focus and learning, growth in relationship and better opportunities for romance (for those not married). The period is not going to be as positive for your mother. There would either be differences or problems with your mother or health issues to her depending on how things are going about in your life. There is possibility of some death in family of a relative and some relative may face humiliation or defamation. Family and property issues may be a reason for concern and if there are troubles in this area, better delay any confrontation for a year. The next year, these issues can be easily resolved.

The period is going to be good for maternal relatives, there will be settlement of old disputes and if you have outstanding debt, there will be opportunities to reduce or clear them. The transit is excellent for recovery of old dues and health issues but would not be as good for research or any other exhaustive/in-depth initiatives.

For your spouses, the transit is not going to be very positive and the same applies to partnerships as well. Try to be more cooperative and reduce tension with your partners. In terms of work, there is possibility of over-exertion with less reward, some loss of reputation and pointless wandering without obtaining meaningful conclusions.

There would be travel and long journeys, help from elders in family, involvement in spiritual activities and help from outsiders, friends, strangers, etc. Any foreign contact you build is going to be very rewarding.


For Cancer, Jupiter’s current transit will bring about some negative results in terms of health, relationship with parents, inheritance matters, travel and health of spouse. This is not a very positive transit and hence caution is advised, especially in case of your health. For those who are having health troubles from a long time, this is the time to be proactive and address issues in the beginning itself. Ignoring health related problems is only going to make it works
and the earlier you address problems, the easier your solution will be.

The period is good for your family and relative who would see growth in the year and you too would have their support if any problem arises. There would be some event or function in your extended family.

There is a possibility of dispute with siblings, servants or neighbors and hence some restraint will be required on your end to resolve these issues. Do note that while this transit is not as good for you, but because Jupiter is going to be in its own sign it is going to be for your ultimate good. If you see health related troubles, addressing them right now will be good and will work towards keeping you healthy for the long term. Any disputes as of now will be difficult but if they’ve been escalated by the other person, they’ll ultimately be for your own benefit and help avoid problems. The only reason for concern is if you are the one who escalates any issues impulsively.

The period is excellent for renovation, education or improvement, gain of property and betterment for children. There would be increase in partnerships, contractual earnings and relationship with spouse will improve, although there might be some health issues to wife as well. There would be improvement in career and finances, good relationship with boss and better opportunities at workplace. The transit is good for foreign travel.

There will be possibilities of accidents, disputes, fall from position and increased expenses which needs to be controlled. You will see an increase in lust and materialistic view and overindulgence in either sensual pleasures or expenses should be controlled. Social activity and friend circle will increase.


For Leo, the transit of Jupiter is going to be positive and there will be significant improvement in relationships, finance, career/business and married life. the transit is going to be pretty favorable for you and is going to bring about growth in finance and business along with business travel opportunities that are going to help you significantly. The period is especially favorable for partnerships and you will see improvement because of the effort of your partners. The year is going to be good for recovery from illness and improvement in health.

The period will make you travel a lot and travel will be very positive. There would be enthusiasm and zeal in work along with good relationship with siblings. You will see increase in comfort and domestic happiness along with gain through fathers, elders, religious activities. There would be a change of place or position through the year and all efforts will be positively rewarded. Profit will increase and sudden gain is indicated. Children and siblings will flourish.

The year is bad for dispute and some disappointment through spouse. Health of your spouse will suffer a bit and there is possibility of some dispute from maternal side. Misfortune, wandering or some negative results are indicated for children before it becomes positive for them. The period is not favorable for grandparents or long continuous travel.


For Virgo, the transit is positive from a materialistic point of view but is going to see enmity, loan and obstacles increase. While there would be success in all career related matters, the same will happen after obstacles or some delays. Job prospects are going to open up and if you’re looking for a change in work this will be the ideal period to do the same.

That said, from a health perspective you will see some ups and downs but nothing that is chronic in nature. There will be tension, loan and enmity will increase so it is important to keep your actions and words in control and avoid stressful situations rather than dealing with them impulsively. It is going to be much better for you to avoid difficult situation this year than to face them.

For siblings the period is good and indicates gain of assets and increase in position. For mother, the period is not as good and indicates health related issues for her. Even for other relatives, there are chances of disputes or differences with elders in family including the father. Hence, caution is advised in all interactions.

Recovery of old dues is indicated and there will be increase in the income for children. There will be gain through speculations and gain through in-laws. Expenses will increase in business and some of the promised contracts may not materialize. Hence in all aspects of life, trust the result only after it manifests. Overall, it will be pretty good for career irrespective of some obstacles and there will be some big events at the workplace. It is a good period for maternal side.

Loan is indicated to increase and business earnings will be reduced. Some setback from friends is indicated. All of these result will happen along with the other positive indications mentioned.


For Libra, the period is good for personal growth, education, improvement in career but overall tension, anxiety and level of stress is going to increase. There will be honor, upliftment in living condition, growth to children, success in romance and speculative gains, earning through property or purchase of property and increase in assets you own.

The period will not be as good for health of mother and for siblings. Siblings are likely to be involved in some setback or loss and disrepute due to that. Servants will be a cause of concern. Expenses on health is indicated to increase along with expense of litigation and relatives. There will be some problems to children in terms of health issues or temporary setbacks even though there will be overall positive results and growth. Some emotional setbacks are indicated this year.

There will be profit and increased rewards from partnerships, business dealings and at job. Relationships will grow and the period is excellent for planning out education or spiritual growth and mantra siddhi. While career overall is going to improve, the same will happen due after significant tension and stress. In all fronts, personal and professional, tension and anxiety is what should be avoided for best results.

Some health issues are indicated for this year and there will be litigation on mother’s side as well. While health issues are going to be pretty insignificant and no major attention is required for them, they will still cause some expense. The transit is good for progeny, speculation, romance, and creativity.

At work, relationship with seniors will not be as positive and there is possibility of failure in undertakings. Hence, it is recommended to deal with situation at work with caution, without aggressive and without over-reaction. Meditating will be significantly positive this year.


For Scorpio, the transit is going to be good and there is gains indicated from property, increased knowledge, opportunities to either develop or showcase creativity. Domestic comforts are indicated to increase along with the chances of obtaining immovable property or vehicles. There will be expense on account of children and possibility of some bad investments as well.

New ventures are indicated to start, there will be an elevation in the position of spouse and beginning of new ventures. Comfort will increase for you and your spouse as well along with improvement in work with better relations with subordinates. There would be peace at work place and possibilities of unexpected gain exists too.

The period is not as good for family and finances. Health of parents will suffer and more so for father. There will be some health issues to siblings as well as domestic help through the year. Meals will be untimely through the transit for you as well.

Expense on account of children and romance would increase while the period will be bad for investments. In order to ensure that your money does not get wasted, lock your savings away from your reach. There are indications of problems related to property or vehicles. There will be expense on elders as well on account of health related problems. Be careful in dealing with friends as their guidance will lead you to problems.

The period is exceptionally good for travel, maternal relatives and work that involves support or interaction with outsiders. The outsiders can be people who are strangers or near strangers to you or people/partnerships from some other country or state. Interaction with new people and involvement with new people will be very rewarding and positive.

The period is also good for religious activities and internal growth. Being meditative will reduce expenses.


For Sagittarius, the transit is not as positive and any major initiatives taken for long term should not be planned in this year. There is a possibility that efforts will go in waste or actions undertaken with long-term planning will not yield desired results. Wandering and suffering on account of fall from position or putting in effort towards something irrelevant or useless is indicated. For this year, you should focus on your short terms goals while maintaining status quo for the bigger picture. Short term planning, short-term targets will give positive results but long-term or career planning should be avoided.

There will be misfortune, exile or wandering this year wherein the desired objective is either not complete or some chain of event sets you off course. There will be increase in family earnings but also chances of health issues for family members. The period is pretty good for siblings and there will be an increase in their position and career.

For property and finances, the period is mixed. Some long standing issues around property and finance will be resolved by your efforts while there will be some disputes you’ll get involved in temporarily. There will be expense on account of property and increase of vitality and courage. Behavior of seniors and supervisors will be a cause of concern and extra efforts would be needed to achieve desired success. Expenses will increase.

Long journeys will prove to be useful and even though there may be needless wandering as of now, in the long run it will all prove useful for you. There will be good health overall apart from occasional minor issues. There will be gain for wife and gain through the help of elders or seniors who are your supervisors. Functions in family and increase in vitality and courage is indicated.

There will be increase in earnings, addition of extra responsibility and improvement in the status for grandparents.


For Capricorn, the transit is going to be positive in general barring a few areas of restriction. There will be increase in the family by birth or marriage along with good relationship with extended family members and relatives. Family assets will either increase or give you desired gains. There will be significant gain through mother and property and domestic comfort, happiness, peace at home will increase. For those who are looking for career opportunities,

There will be significant positive events, increase in fame and good prospects at work. relationship with supervisors, seniors and bosses will become better and you will see them being more supportive to your cause. Opportunities of promotion, growth and increments are going to be there for those looking for it. This is a very positive time for investment and specially for planned long-term investments. There will be opportunities created which turn your disputes and litigations to your favor or else you’ll get some major relief from ongoing disputes/litigation where you felt trapped.

There will be some financial and family issues as despite growth and gains some financial matters would get stuck as well. There will also be some dispute, litigation or loan for father, religious travel for children and gain for mother. This is going to be a pretty positive period for children.

Despite some issues, financial position will increase. There will be some needless wandering this year along with untimely availability of food. There is going to be increase in earnings, extra responsibilities being given to you and increase in reputation at workplace. There will be a tendency for inclination towards useless things which basically serve as a time waste with no value addition.

There is a possibility of gaining from extra sources, hence for all those who are planning any initiatives in this direction should double there effort. The period is going to be bad for old relatives in terms of their health and there will be some restlessness for you which should be taken care of.


For Aquarius, Overall in most aspects the transit is going to be positive for them with the exception that it is such a positive combination that it will tend to make them egoistic, arrogant and proud thus pushing people away and also making errors in judgement out of sheer arrogance and pride. Hence, it is important to take note of your behavior and adapt yourself accordingly as you’re going to make mistakes in overconfidence and ego.

The transit is positive overall as there will be honor, upliftment of living condition and growth overall. There would be improvement in career, good environment at workplace, improvement in your finances, increase in prestige and position along with settlement of old disputes and claim. There are chances of child birth, especially for those who have been trying for a long time. There will be increase in children’s income or gain through speculations will rise. Purchase of luxury goods, increase in family happiness and business growth is indicated. Some new contacts/business may materialize.

Good health is indicated and your capacity to work will improve. There will be a marriage in relation or your own marriage if you’re planning. Career and relationship with seniors will improve along with the possibility of a change of workplace.

Among the negatives, there will be theft, loss and tension once or twice in the year along with expenses on account of family. There will be suffering indicated for friends and elders earnings will reduce for them. Health issues are indicated to elders in family and there would be detachment with near ones.

The transit is good for earnings from distant places, working on foreign contacts and creating new beginnings.


For Pisces, the transit is not going to be as Jupiter will be transiting the 12th sign. However, because Jupiter makes contact with Capricorn in the mid of the year, that will be when results start to improve for you.

The transit is indicated to increase expenses and wandering but help will be there from outsiders and foreign contacts, strangers, etc. will come to your rescue. it is a period to be cautious and to avoid taking major decisions in life as losses or setbacks may be indicated because of them.

The period is good for extended family and family assets. It also indicated enjoyment of good food through the transit. There will be improvement in career for siblings and good health for mother along with purchase of vehicle or property for you. There will be travel for education, function in family and improvement in working conditions. However, the period is bad for children, education, speculation and romance. Restrain is required in all areas.

Good health is indicated and research work will give positive results. Those involved either in research related career or travel would see a positive period. There will be long travel, help from outsiders, improvement for father’s health and father’s property along with good results for friends and siblings.

The period will give some stagnation to career as efforts or initiatives will not be rewarded or projects will be stalled. There will be increase in expenses and elders will not cooperate in major initiatives.

Moorti Nirnaya

Your Janma Rashi (Moon Sign)Placement of Transiting MoonMoortiResult
Taurus, Cancer and Sagittarius1, 6 and 11Swarna (Gold)Average
  Aries, Virgo, Capricorn2,5 and 9Rajat (Silver)Better
Pisces, Scorpio and Leo3, 7 and 10Tamra (Copper)Good
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius4, 8 and 12Loha (iron)Bad
Moorti Nirnaya

Navamsha Transits

NavamshaDate of TransitNegative for
Libra06-Apr to 24th AprilTaurus, Scorpio and Pisces
Scorpio25-April to 21st MayAries, Gemini and Sagittarius
Sagittarius22-May to 22 JulyTaurus, Cancer and Capricorn
Scorpio22-Jul to 17 AugustAries, Gemini and Sagittarius
Libra18-Aug to 13 SeptemberTaurus, Scorpio and Pisces
Virgo14-Sep to19 November Aries, Libra and Aquarius
Libra20-November to 14 DecemberTaurus, Scorpio and Pisces
Scorpio15-December to 2nd January 2022Aries, Gemini and Sagittarius
Sagittarius02-January to 17 January 2022Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn
Capricorn18-January to 2nd Feb 2022Gemini, Leo and Aquarius
Aquarius 02-Feb to16th Feb  Cancer, Virgo and Pisces
Pisces16-Feb to 2 March 2022Aries, Leo and Libra
Aries02-Mach to 15 March 2022rTaurus, Viro and Scoprio
Taurus16-March to 28th MarchGemini, Libra and Sagittarius
Gemini29-March to  28 April 2022Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn
Navamsha Results for the Signs

Individual Impact – Nakshatra

Results based on your Birth Nakshatra

Time PeriodFrom 5th March 2021 to 22nd May 2021
Again from 20th July 2021 to 2nd January 2022
From 22nd May 2021 to 20th July 2021 and again from 2nd January 2022 to 2nd March 2022From 2nd March 2022 to 28th April 2022
AshwaniSuffering is indicated on personal front and on account of major decisions. Be cautious if the transit is bad for you in other respects as well. Make yourself mentally strong and face consequences boldly. Be very careful while taking major decisions and give yourself sufficient time to ponder over your choices. Suffering is indicated on personal front and on account of major decisions. Be cautious if the transit is bad for you in other respects as well. Make yourself mentally strong and face consequences boldly. Be very careful while taking major decisions and give yourself sufficient time to ponder over your choices. Suffering is indicated on personal front and on account of major decisions. Be cautious if the transit is bad for you in other respects as well. Make yourself mentally strong and face consequences boldly. Be very careful while taking major decisions and give yourself sufficient time to ponder over your choices. 
BharaniSuffering is indicated on personal front and on account of major decisions. Be cautious if the transit is bad for you in other respects as well. Make yourself mentally strong and face consequences boldly. Be very careful while taking major decisions and give yourself sufficient time to ponder over your choices. Suffering is indicated on personal front and on account of major decisions. Be cautious if the transit is bad for you in other respects as well. Make yourself mentally strong and face consequences boldly. Be very careful while taking major decisions and give yourself sufficient time to ponder over your choices. Suffering is indicated on personal front and on account of major decisions. Be cautious if the transit is bad for you in other respects as well. Make yourself mentally strong and face consequences boldly. Be very careful while taking major decisions and give yourself sufficient time to ponder over your choices. 
KrittikaSuffering is indicated on personal front and on account of major decisions. Be cautious if the transit is bad for you in other respects as well. Make yourself mentally strong and face consequences boldly. Be very careful while taking major decisions and give yourself sufficient time to ponder over your choices. Suffering is indicated on personal front and on account of major decisions. Be cautious if the transit is bad for you in other respects as well. Make yourself mentally strong and face consequences boldly. Be very careful while taking major decisions and give yourself sufficient time to ponder over your choices. Suffering is indicated on personal front and on account of major decisions. Be cautious if the transit is bad for you in other respects as well. Make yourself mentally strong and face consequences boldly. Be very careful while taking major decisions and give yourself sufficient time to ponder over your choices. 
RohiniSuffering is indicated on personal front and on account of major decisions. Be cautious if the transit is bad for you in other respects as well. Make yourself mentally strong and face consequences boldly. Be very careful while taking major decisions and give yourself sufficient time to ponder over your choices. Suffering is indicated on personal front and on account of major decisions. Be cautious if the transit is bad for you in other respects as well. Make yourself mentally strong and face consequences boldly. Be very careful while taking major decisions and give yourself sufficient time to ponder over your choices. Suffering is indicated on personal front and on account of major decisions. Be cautious if the transit is bad for you in other respects as well. Make yourself mentally strong and face consequences boldly. Be very careful while taking major decisions and give yourself sufficient time to ponder over your choices. 
MrigshiraDestruction and loss is indicated in major ventures. Avoid major decisions if they can be delayed and be very cautious with respect to important activities. In general choose stability over growth for the time being. Not a good period to take high risks. Suffering is indicated on personal front and on account of major decisions. Be cautious if the transit is bad for you in other respects as well. Make yourself mentally strong and face consequences boldly. Be very careful while taking major decisions and give yourself sufficient time to ponder over your choices. Suffering is indicated on personal front and on account of major decisions. Be cautious if the transit is bad for you in other respects as well. Make yourself mentally strong and face consequences boldly. Be very careful while taking major decisions and give yourself sufficient time to ponder over your choices. 
ArdraDestruction and loss is indicated in major ventures. Avoid major decisions if they can be delayed and be very cautious with respect to important activities. In general choose stability over growth for the time being. Not a good period to take high risks. Destruction and loss is indicated in major ventures. Avoid major decisions if they can be delayed and be very cautious with respect to important activities. In general choose stability over growth for the time being. Not a good period to take high risks. Suffering is indicated on personal front and on account of major decisions. Be cautious if the transit is bad for you in other respects as well. Make yourself mentally strong and face consequences boldly. Be very careful while taking major decisions and give yourself sufficient time to ponder over your choices. 
PunarvasuGain of wealth is indicated. Wellbeing and prosperity will increase. Financial ventures will yield better results and good growth is indicated. Destruction and loss is indicated in major ventures. Avoid major decisions if they can be delayed and be very cautious with respect to important activities. In general choose stability over growth for the time being. Not a good period to take high risks. Destruction and loss is indicated in major ventures. Avoid major decisions if they can be delayed and be very cautious with respect to important activities. In general choose stability over growth for the time being. Not a good period to take high risks. 
PushyaGain of wealth is indicated. Wellbeing and prosperity will increase. Financial ventures will yield better results and good growth is indicated. Gain of wealth is indicated. Wellbeing and prosperity will increase. Financial ventures will yield better results and good growth is indicated. Destruction and loss is indicated in major ventures. Avoid major decisions if they can be delayed and be very cautious with respect to important activities. In general choose stability over growth for the time being. Not a good period to take high risks. 
AshleshaGain of wealth is indicated. Wellbeing and prosperity will increase. Financial ventures will yield better results and good growth is indicated. Gain of wealth is indicated. Wellbeing and prosperity will increase. Financial ventures will yield better results and good growth is indicated. Gain of wealth is indicated. Wellbeing and prosperity will increase. Financial ventures will yield better results and good growth is indicated. 
MaghaGain of wealth is indicated. Wellbeing and prosperity will increase. Financial ventures will yield better results and good growth is indicated. Gain of wealth is indicated. Wellbeing and prosperity will increase. Financial ventures will yield better results and good growth is indicated. Gain of wealth is indicated. Wellbeing and prosperity will increase. Financial ventures will yield better results and good growth is indicated. 
Purva PhalguniGain of wealth is indicated. Wellbeing and prosperity will increase. Financial ventures will yield better results and good growth is indicated. Gain of wealth is indicated. Wellbeing and prosperity will increase. Financial ventures will yield better results and good growth is indicated. Gain of wealth is indicated. Wellbeing and prosperity will increase. Financial ventures will yield better results and good growth is indicated. 
Uttara PhalguniMental tension and anxiety will be there. There can be fear of failure or tension before any work materializes. Failures are not indicated if you put in enough efforts but the fear of failure and tension will remain until the task gets completed. Do not stress yourself out and be cautious. Gain of wealth is indicated. Wellbeing and prosperity will increase. Financial ventures will yield better results and good growth is indicated. Gain of wealth is indicated. Wellbeing and prosperity will increase. Financial ventures will yield better results and good growth is indicated. 
HastaMental tension and anxiety will be there. There can be fear of failure or tension before any work materializes. Failures are not indicated if you put in enough efforts but the fear of failure and tension will remain until the task gets completed. Do not stress yourself out and be cautious. Mental tension and anxiety will be there. There can be fear of failure or tension before any work materializes. Failures are not indicated if you put in enough efforts but the fear of failure and tension will remain until the task gets completed. Do not stress yourself out and be cautious. Gain of wealth is indicated. Wellbeing and prosperity will increase. Financial ventures will yield better results and good growth is indicated. 
ChitraMental tension and anxiety will be there. There can be fear of failure or tension before any work materializes. Failures are not indicated if you put in enough efforts but the fear of failure and tension will remain until the task gets completed. Do not stress yourself out and be cautious. Mental tension and anxiety will be there. There can be fear of failure or tension before any work materializes. Failures are not indicated if you put in enough efforts but the fear of failure and tension will remain until the task gets completed. Do not stress yourself out and be cautious. Mental tension and anxiety will be there. There can be fear of failure or tension before any work materializes. Failures are not indicated if you put in enough efforts but the fear of failure and tension will remain until the task gets completed. Do not stress yourself out and be cautious. 
SwatiThere would be good luck and blessing all over. Luck will favor in most of your endeavors and overall auspicous news would be there. It Is an excellent period to start ventures you require luck in. Mental tension and anxiety will be there. There can be fear of failure or tension before any work materializes. Failures are not indicated if you put in enough efforts but the fear of failure and tension will remain until the task gets completed. Do not stress yourself out and be cautious. Mental tension and anxiety will be there. There can be fear of failure or tension before any work materializes. Failures are not indicated if you put in enough efforts but the fear of failure and tension will remain until the task gets completed. Do not stress yourself out and be cautious. 
VishakhaThere would be good luck and blessing all over. Luck will favor in most of your endeavors and overall auspicous news would be there. It Is an excellent period to start ventures you require luck in. There would be good luck and blessing all over. Luck will favor in most of your endeavors and overall auspicous news would be there. It Is an excellent period to start ventures you require luck in. Mental tension and anxiety will be there. There can be fear of failure or tension before any work materializes. Failures are not indicated if you put in enough efforts but the fear of failure and tension will remain until the task gets completed. Do not stress yourself out and be cautious. 
AnuradhaThere would be good luck and blessing all over. Luck will favor in most of your endeavors and overall auspicous news would be there. It Is an excellent period to start ventures you require luck in. There would be good luck and blessing all over. Luck will favor in most of your endeavors and overall auspicous news would be there. It Is an excellent period to start ventures you require luck in. There would be good luck and blessing all over. Luck will favor in most of your endeavors and overall auspicous news would be there. It Is an excellent period to start ventures you require luck in. 
JyeshthaGains and accomplishments will be there. There would be success in your endeavors and with enough efforts you can get more than your expectations. Focus on maximizing results/profit and aim for more. There would be good luck and blessing all over. Luck will favor in most of your endeavors and overall auspicous news would be there. It Is an excellent period to start ventures you require luck in. There would be good luck and blessing all over. Luck will favor in most of your endeavors and overall auspicous news would be there. It Is an excellent period to start ventures you require luck in. 
MoolaGains and accomplishments will be there. There would be success in your endeavors and with enough efforts you can get more than your expectations. Focus on maximizing results/profit and aim for more. Gains and accomplishments will be there. There would be success in your endeavors and with enough efforts you can get more than your expectations. Focus on maximizing results/profit and aim for more. There would be good luck and blessing all over. Luck will favor in most of your endeavors and overall auspicous news would be there. It Is an excellent period to start ventures you require luck in. 
Purva AashadhaGains and accomplishments will be there. There would be success in your endeavors and with enough efforts you can get more than your expectations. Focus on maximizing results/profit and aim for more. Gains and accomplishments will be there. There would be success in your endeavors and with enough efforts you can get more than your expectations. Focus on maximizing results/profit and aim for more. Gains and accomplishments will be there. There would be success in your endeavors and with enough efforts you can get more than your expectations. Focus on maximizing results/profit and aim for more. 
Uttara AshadhaSorrows will be there and stress would increase from time to time. Expect bad news or delays in your endeavors. Extra effort will be required to meet your goalsGains and accomplishments will be there. There would be success in your endeavors and with enough efforts you can get more than your expectations. Focus on maximizing results/profit and aim for more. Gains and accomplishments will be there. There would be success in your endeavors and with enough efforts you can get more than your expectations. Focus on maximizing results/profit and aim for more. 
ShravanSorrows will be there and stress would increase from time to time. Expect bad news or delays in your endeavors. Extra effort will be required to meet your goalsSorrows will be there and stress would increase from time to time. Expect bad news or delays in your endeavors. Extra effort will be required to meet your goalsGains and accomplishments will be there. There would be success in your endeavors and with enough efforts you can get more than your expectations. Focus on maximizing results/profit and aim for more. 
DhanishthaSorrows will be there and stress would increase from time to time. Expect bad news or delays in your endeavors. Extra effort will be required to meet your goalsSorrows will be there and stress would increase from time to time. Expect bad news or delays in your endeavors. Extra effort will be required to meet your goalsSorrows will be there and stress would increase from time to time. Expect bad news or delays in your endeavors. Extra effort will be required to meet your goals
SatbhishaSuffering is indicated on personal front and on account of major decisions. Be cautious if the transit is bad for you in other respects as well. Make yourself mentally strong and face consequences boldly. Be very careful while taking major decisions and give yourself sufficient time to ponder over your choices. Sorrows will be there and stress would increase from time to time. Expect bad news or delays in your endeavors. Extra effort will be required to meet your goalsSorrows will be there and stress would increase from time to time. Expect bad news or delays in your endeavors. Extra effort will be required to meet your goals
Poorva BhadrapadaSuffering is indicated on personal front and on account of major decisions. Be cautious if the transit is bad for you in other respects as well. Make yourself mentally strong and face consequences boldly. Be very careful while taking major decisions and give yourself sufficient time to ponder over your choices. Suffering is indicated on personal front and on account of major decisions. Be cautious if the transit is bad for you in other respects as well. Make yourself mentally strong and face consequences boldly. Be very careful while taking major decisions and give yourself sufficient time to ponder over your choices. Sorrows will be there and stress would increase from time to time. Expect bad news or delays in your endeavors. Extra effort will be required to meet your goals
Uttara BhadraSuffering is indicated on personal front and on account of major decisions. Be cautious if the transit is bad for you in other respects as well. Make yourself mentally strong and face consequences boldly. Be very careful while taking major decisions and give yourself sufficient time to ponder over your choices. Suffering is indicated on personal front and on account of major decisions. Be cautious if the transit is bad for you in other respects as well. Make yourself mentally strong and face consequences boldly. Be very careful while taking major decisions and give yourself sufficient time to ponder over your choices. Suffering is indicated on personal front and on account of major decisions. Be cautious if the transit is bad for you in other respects as well. Make yourself mentally strong and face consequences boldly. Be very careful while taking major decisions and give yourself sufficient time to ponder over your choices. 
RevatiSuffering is indicated on personal front and on account of major decisions. Be cautious if the transit is bad for you in other respects as well. Make yourself mentally strong and face consequences boldly. Be very careful while taking major decisions and give yourself sufficient time to ponder over your choices. Suffering is indicated on personal front and on account of major decisions. Be cautious if the transit is bad for you in other respects as well. Make yourself mentally strong and face consequences boldly. Be very careful while taking major decisions and give yourself sufficient time to ponder over your choices. Suffering is indicated on personal front and on account of major decisions. Be cautious if the transit is bad for you in other respects as well. Make yourself mentally strong and face consequences boldly. Be very careful while taking major decisions and give yourself sufficient time to ponder over your choices. 
Nakshatra Transits

Results Based on Your Mahadasha

Your MahadashaDhanishthaShatbhishaPurva Bhadrapada
MarsThe transit is average for you. While no major positive results will be generated, no major negatives will be visible as well. Expect all results to be in sync with the efforts you have put in. The period is good for finances and family happiness. There would be general wellbeing and support from all around. People will come to your help in need and in general opposition and obstacles will reduce. Put in your best foot forward and getting success will be easy. Financially the year will be rewarding. The transit is not very good and indicates displacement. Fall from position, loss of status, reduction in your image, change of location, relocation, displacement, difference and distancing from family is indicated. Similar disassocation and fall is possible at work as well. Be mindful of your reputation. 
RahuThe transit is very positive for you. There would be all-round success in all initiatives, possibilities for start of new venture and new opportunities. Any work initiated is likely to be successful and luck will favor. The transit is average for you. While no major positive results will be generated, no major negatives will be visible as well. Expect all results to be in sync with the efforts you have put in. The period is good for finances and family happiness. There would be general wellbeing and support from all around. People will come to your help in need and in general opposition and obstacles will reduce. Put in your best foot forward and getting success will be easy. Financially the year will be rewarding. 
JupiterThere would be success in initiatives for which you have put in efforts. Increase in family either through marriage or birth is likely. Pursuits that involve gain of knowledge are indicated and any academic efforts will be fruitful not just this year but with respect to overall future as well. The transit is very positive for you. There would be all-round success in all initiatives, possibilities for start of new venture and new opportunities. Any work initiated is likely to be successful and luck will favor. The transit is average for you. While no major positive results will be generated, no major negatives will be visible as well. Expect all results to be in sync with the efforts you have put in. 
SaturnFailures and disappointments are possible. Be overly cautious in critical matters and always be on the lookout for loopholes. Plan very carefully and avoid any pitfalls. There is a possibility of health issues so those who are sick/elderly should be more cautious. In unplanned ventures or uncomfortable situations there is a possibility of losing face or some humiliation. Be mindful of your image and character. There would be success in initiatives for which you have put in efforts. Increase in family either through marriage or birth is likely. Pursuits that involve gain of knowledge are indicated and any academic efforts will be fruitful not just this year but with respect to overall future as well. The transit is very positive for you. There would be all-round success in all initiatives, possibilities for start of new venture and new opportunities. Any work initiated is likely to be successful and luck will favor. 
MercuryThe overall transit is good. There will be achievements, success in old and pending work and all disputes that have been ongoing for long will move towards resolution. This is an excellent time period to resolve misunderstandings, confusions and differences. Failures and disappointments are possible. Be overly cautious in critical matters and always be on the lookout for loopholes. Plan very carefully and avoid any pitfalls. There is a possibility of health issues so those who are sick/elderly should be more cautious. In unplanned ventures or uncomfortable situations there is a possibility of losing face or some humiliation. Be mindful of your image and character. There would be success in initiatives for which you have put in efforts. Increase in family either through marriage or birth is likely. Pursuits that involve gain of knowledge are indicated and any academic efforts will be fruitful not just this year but with respect to overall future as well. 
KetuThere would be obstrcution in work, struggle, delays and disappointments. Emotional setbacks are possible so be careful about all your emotional and romantic involvements. Mental agony is possible in endeavors that are important for you. The overall transit is good. There will be achievements, success in old and pending work and all disputes that have been ongoing for long will move towards resolution. This is an excellent time period to resolve misunderstandings, confusions and differences. Failures and disappointments are possible. Be overly cautious in critical matters and always be on the lookout for loopholes. Plan very carefully and avoid any pitfalls. There is a possibility of health issues so those who are sick/elderly should be more cautious. In unplanned ventures or uncomfortable situations there is a possibility of losing face or some humiliation. Be mindful of your image and character. 
VenusOverall the transit is positive and indicates gain of property, family happiness, prosperity and overall happiness. Things that have been causing you problems will reduce and all ongoing stress will either come to an end or be reduced significantly. Overall happiness will persist. There would be obstrcution in work, struggle, delays and disappointments. Emotional setbacks are possible so be careful about all your emotional and romantic involvements. Mental agony is possible in endeavors that are important for you. The overall transit is good. There will be achievements, success in old and pending work and all disputes that have been ongoing for long will move towards resolution. This is an excellent time period to resolve misunderstandings, confusions and differences. 
SunThe transit is not very good and indicates displacement. Fall from position, loss of status, reduction in your image, change of location, relocation, displacement, difference and distancing from family is indicated. Similar disassocation and fall is possible at work as well. Be mindful of your reputation. Overall the transit is positive and indicates gain of property, family happiness, prosperity and overall happiness. Things that have been causing you problems will reduce and all ongoing stress will either come to an end or be reduced significantly. Overall happiness will persist. There would be obstrcution in work, struggle, delays and disappointments. Emotional setbacks are possible so be careful about all your emotional and romantic involvements. Mental agony is possible in endeavors that are important for you. 
MoonThe period is good for finances and family happiness. There would be general wellbeing and support from all around. People will come to your help in need and in general opposition and obstacles will reduce. Put in your best foot forward and getting success will be easy. Financially the year will be rewarding. The transit is not very good and indicates displacement. Fall from position, loss of status, reduction in your image, change of location, relocation, displacement, difference and distancing from family is indicated. Similar disassocation and fall is possible at work as well. Be mindful of your reputation. Overall the transit is positive and indicates gain of property, family happiness, prosperity and overall happiness. Things that have been causing you problems will reduce and all ongoing stress will either come to an end or be reduced significantly. Overall happiness will persist. 
Mahadasha results based on Jupiter’s transit

In Conclusion

The transit of Jupiter this year is much more stable and easy-going. Overall it will be good for all those who know how to keep a balance between hard work, values, principles and keep their emotions in check. The year will tend to drive you towards problems if you’re more towards the extreme.

The major identifying characteristic of this transit will be that it is going to be the seed through which the future gets nurtured. It will bring about minor changes that in time will become the cause of major changes and a permanent shift for the world and individual in general.

After the much tedious 2020, this is a year where you should just fasten your seatbelts and prepare to be brought to a new tomorrow in due time.


  1. Hi,
    Excellent write up. If you could add a link for effects of the transit for each individual according to horoscope (paid of course), that would be very helpful.

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