PredictionsTransit Tracker

Sun in Capricorn

Sun is entering Capricorn sign on 14th January 2022 at 2:03 PM and will remain there till 13th February 2022. Sun represents father, authority, fame, reputation, success and heart. Apart from this, for an individual Sun will give the result of the house it occupies in one’s natal chart. As stated in earlier articles, Sun’s transit is always important as it sets the timeline for the events destined and triggered by Jupiter & Saturn transit. Present Capricorn transit is of significance because the Sun is entering into His son’s house when His son (Saturn) is already present there. This happens for 2 consecutive years after each cycle of Saturn, that is 29 years.

The Sun’s transit to Capricorn is also important because the Sun is passing through the zenith of the natural zodiac. It means that the aspiration level of people in general will remain on the higher side and people would feel more energetic and enthusiastic. If one can put discipline in work, they can achieve great success. For people engaged in government activities, politics or head of institutions the coming month will be very hectic and full of opposition. They would need extra efforts to overcome the enemies. They will face opposition from their own people or subordinates as Sun-Saturn are inimical to each other.

Due to the enmity of Sun-Saturn, the work environment will not be very smooth. In all endeavors, extra effort is required. Any work delayed or left on chance will not yield fruitful results or will be the cause of failure. It is important to note here that the Sun-Saturn conjunction is the combination of the 5th and 10th/11th lords of the natural zodiac; so it also has the capabilities of giving good results in terms of materialistic things and new endeavors. 

Since the Sun-Saturn conjunction in Saturn’s sign occurs after a gap of so many years, it has the capability to give enduring results and significant changes. It is certain that the authority or authorities’ way of commanding would change; they are no longer going to be authoritative. They would have to mend their ways to adjust to their subordinates and adversaries. Head of the institutions or government authorities would appear not to be so commanding.

Sun-Saturn conjunction results will vary as per the ascending sign of the country, institution or the people. For Aries, Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces results would be more favorable. For Gemini, Leo and Capricorn results would not be that good; they might feel more opposition, delay and frustration in work. On the mundane plain, many authorities and important personalities will lose their impact and influence governed by these signs.

One additional point to note is that, at present Rahu is transiting through Taurus sign which is trine to Capricorn, so, Rahu’s impact on Sun-Saturn conjunction will also be seen. It means that the top authority will have to face threats from secret and close enemies, rumors, deception and delusion. They must guard against these possibilities. It is also applicable for people on an individual plain. One silver lining is that the Sun-Saturn conjunction is followed by Jupiter, so any untowards event will not last long.

Astronomical Events Timeline

14 Jan 2022Sun enters Capricorn sign, Uttarashadha Nakshatra (2nd Pada)
18th to 20th Jan 2022Sun-Rahu in conjunction in Aquarius Navansh
24 Jan 2022Sun enters Shravana Nakshatra
3rd to 5th Feb 2022Sun-Saturn in conjunction in Cancer Navansh
6 Feb 2022Sun enters Dhanishtha Nakshatra
13 Feb 2022Sun exists from Capricorn

Individual Transit Impact by Signs

Sun-Rahu conjunction in navansh is particularly important for the changes in weather. As Mars is transiting behind the Sun, cold waves and chances of snowfall will increase. Sun-Saturn conjunction in Cancer would also indicate changes at a higher level in various institutions and governments.

On an individual level, the effect of transit of any planet is analyzed with reference to one’s Lagna/ Moon sign, birth nakshatra, and other planets cumulative  influence.

Generally Sun gives good results while transiting through 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th houses from Lagna/Moon sign. In other places, the Sun is not supposed to give good results. But these results are further modified by other planets’ transits position (Vedh/Vipreet Vedh), Moon’s sign placement at the time of Sun transit (Moorthy Nirnay), and Sun’s transit through nakshatra with reference to one’s Janma nakshatra (Tara Chakra). After all these modifications the final transit effect is known.

At the time of Sun’s entry to Sagittarius sign, Moon will be present in Bharani nakshatra, Aries sign. Moon’s placement helps us with Moorthy Nirnaya for various signs. Below table provides Moorty and transiting house information for 12 signs:

SignTransiting houseMurty Nirnaya
Aries10th houseSilver
Taurus9th houseGold
Gemini8th houseIron
Cancer7th houseGold
Leo6th houseCopper
Virgo5th houseSilver
Libra4th houseIron
Scorpio3rd houseCopper
Sagittarius2nd houseGold
Capricorn1st houseSilver
Aquarius12th houseIron
Pisces11th houseCopper

Aries: This is overall a good transit as the Sun is passing through the 10th house. Also in this month, Mars will leave the 8th house; this is good for career prospects and finance. There might be some stress at the workplace and effort should be made to smoothen the relationship with superiors.

Taurus: This is an average transit for Taurus people as 9th and 10th lord will be combust and simultaneously Mars will be transiting through the 8th house. Stress at work, tension in family, particularly with father and obstructions in long journeys will be observed.

Gemini: This is not a good transit as both the Sun and Saturn will be transiting through the 8th house. Health issues, problems with father and brother will be seen. Mental stress will be on the higher side. Slight provocation will make you react easily so it is important for you to keep calm.

Cancer: This is an average transit for Cancer sign. Make a calm environment at home and with business partners. Do not make any new deals. Take good care of your eating habits as the 2nd lord is afflicted and hence you may have some health issues. But bad effects of the Sun’s transit will neutralize due to Gold murty to some extent.

Leo: For finance and career this is a good period. But be cautious about your health as some or the other health issues might arise for you and your spouse. Since, Sun’s transit is through copper murty, people will find more adversaries in work.

Virgo: This is an average transit for Virgo people. There might be issues in the family and expenses may increase. This is not a good period for child related matters and for the people who are engaged in creative activities. But financially, this period will not be bad.

Libra: This is an average transit for Libra sign but finances will improve. Any long pending land issues will be resolved but you should take care of your health and relationship with children. Due to Iron murty, negative effects will be on the higher side.

Scorpio: This is a good transit for Scorpio people as Saturn and Sun will be transiting through upachaya house (3rd house). Career, finance and family environment will improve. Due to copper murty, you will experience mood swings frequently. Try to maintain your calm.

Sagittarius: This is an average transit. It will give good results in terms of finances and property related matters. Mother’s health will deteriorate. You may feel more agitated during this period as Mars is also transiting through the first house.

Capricorn: This is not a good transit for Capricorn sign and health conditions will deteriorate. You may find yourself in tough situations in career and undesired change of place may materialize. Due to silver murti, there will not be much negative effects.

Aquarius: This is an average transit for Aquarius. Expenses will be on the higher side. Be cautious about any dealings related to foreign or outside people. Since Jupiter and Mars transits are favorable, you will find yourself in a good position in spite of some difficulties due to Sun transit. Due to iron murti effort, money and energy will not give desired results.

Pisces: This is a good transit for Pisces sign. Finance and career position will improve but there might be undue wandering and expenses. Take care of your children’s health. Due to copper Murti positive effects will be under check and often you may find obstacles in work.

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